The user can receive online notifications if he is authorized on the system at the time the notification is triggered. Online notifications are displayed in a pop-up window as they appear and are accompanied by a beep, and the number of unread online notifications will be displayed in the bottom panel to the right of the icon . The online notification window can be closed, you can also open it by clicking on the icon in the bottom panel. When left-clicking on the title of the online notification, the map is centered in the place where the notification occurred. When left-clicking on the name of the object, the map is centered on the last position of the object.
The notification table contains the following columns:
To delete all online notifications, click the "Delete all" button. To delete the read online notifications, click the "Delete read" button.
To close the online notification window, click on the icon at the very top on the right.
To hide the contents of the online notification window, click on the icon at the very top, to expand it, click on .